Healer allies can however continue to heal as usual. Allies of the attacked character will not be able to engage in the fight unless they are also attacked. Note: ONLY the attacked character can fight back. If a member of the controlling faction chooses to attack a member of an enemy faction, the attacked character is immediately able to defend himself. Additionally, enemy faction members cannot initiate combat against a member of the controlling faction while inside these 7 zones. In these zones, members of the controlling faction cannot attack each other for any reason. The first 7 starting zones on the Nuia and Haranya continents are Alliance Controlled Zones. At the same time, it's easy to find a nice and comfortable site to build your house as each region on the Eastern and Western continent has housing locations. This means that if you aren't paying attention, it's easy to get lost. The seamless map design makes it hard to distinguish when you enter a new region, although you will know when your map changes. One of the miscellaneous areas is Mirage Island, where all manner of houses, boats, and furniture may be bought. There are Dungeons in the game, several ocean areas, and two instanced miscellaneous areas. The map is further divided into regions and instances. The said isle is meant to house Guild wars and such, since the players have to fight each other for control of the territory. It is not owned by any faction but by players. The Middle island is an isle devoted to PvP and its many forms. These factions occupy the 2 lower islands which make up the game's Realm Vs Realm content. No character can attack any other character during this time.There are 2 factions in the game that are at war with each other. Maximum Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Minimum Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. No Honor gained from killing enemy faction members.
The details of each stage are listed below: Once the Peace time is up, the zone returns to the lowest level of conflict and the process repeats. After a zone has been at War for one hour, it will enter a state of Peace for 2 hours, preventing any hostilities within the zone. This process eventually leads to War, wherein characters can earn Honor by killing members of enemy factions. Each zone starts out at the lowest level called Tension, and rises as characters of opposing factions kill each other within the zone. There are 7 different stages of conflict in a Hostile Zone. These zones cycle through multiple stages of conflict, some of which reward characters for killing each other and some which enforce peace for a limited time. Enemy factions can attack each other immediately and allied characters can attack each other by turning on Bloodlust Mode (Ctrl F). Hostile Zones (level 30 onwards) are regions where any character can attack one another, regardless of their allegiance.
There are 2 factions in the game that are at war with each other.